21 Church Road, Rainford, St Helens, Merseyside, WA11 8HE. Tel: 01744 885580

Rainford Fieldsports

Set in the heart of the Village, Rainford Fieldsports has served the local sporting community for 25 years.

Steve Farrar, himself a keen shot, offers a personal knowledge based service covering all aspects of shooting and fishing sports. Steve is a fully registered firearms dealer and is pleased to offer a range of services including:-


Shop Hours

Tue, Thu, Fri
9.30 - 5.00

9.30 - 4.00

Sun, Mon, Wed

Please Call before Travelling

If you require specialist advice, call Steve for a chat on 01744 885580 to discuss your requirements. A call-out service is available for the urgent collection/storage/disposal of guns and ammunition.
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